Jason Anker Live

Jason Anker - A Fall from Height

Jason was just like any other 24 year old man - he played football, went to the pub and had a young family - until he fell just 10 feet from a ladder and sustained a massive spinal injury that changed his life forever.

Over 17 years Jason has come to terms with the indignities and frustrations of life as a paraplegic and his guilt and regret at failing to speak up in a situation he knew to be risky. He now uses his experiences to warn others of the devastating consequences of not speaking out when you know something to be unsafe. 

"The main reason I didn't speak up... I didn't think it would happen to me. That voice has gone off in your head, which it does every time there is a dodgy situation or something's unsafe ... you override it with one excuse... you say 'Ah! But its not going to happen to me' and that's how you manage your risk on a daily basis."

This 16 minute film includes excerpts from Jason's live safety talk and moving testimony from his family. An interview with Jason's consultant, spinal injuries specialist Martin McClelland, gives the broader medical view charting the physical and psychological path that victims and their families take.

This is a story of a commonplace accident that extends across industries and to home life as well.

The DVD includes an extended interview with spinal injuries specialist Martin McClelland. 

  • Teach an appreciation of behavioural safety
  • Demonstrate the importance of speaking out about safety
  • Discuss what safe working practises you should be following